
10 Blogs Every Freelancer Should Follow

When you are a freelancer, you are a bit like a ship alone in the night. You (should) have a good network but a lot of the time you can feel very alone. Plus, your friends with regular 9 to 5 jobs don’t really understand your problems. Many of them think you sit around in your pajamas all day watching TV and going to yoga. Little do they know how hard you are working. Freelancers need support as well as resources to help them navigate this tricky field. In addition to this blog, here are a few other blogs you should bookmark if you are a freelancer.

One Woman Shop

This is the perfect site for someone who very much wanted to be their own boss.  From the site: “You were never meant for the mundane. You prefer to decide your own self worth rather than allow an employer to put a price tag on your work. You light up from the thrill of deciding when to shift gears, challenge yourself, and kick it up a notch. You are a solopreneur.  The site provides you with a community of freelancers and businesswomen who are taking risks and changing their lives everyday. “One Woman Shop is your safety net.”


When you think of Apps, you don’t necessarily think they would have an awesome blog but Buffer is an exception. It’s blog is clever, entertaining and super helpful for anyone with their own business. From articles on social media strategy to content marketing, you’ll learn something new here.

The Freelance Strategist

Every freelancer needs a strategy and the site will help you develop yours. Focused on journalists, but relevant for everyone, their about page claims: “We’ll find out what publications pay, and how to pitch their editors; we’ll report on freelance success stories and helpful career advice; we’ll hold publishers, editors, and others accountable for freelance abuse; and, of course, we’ll focus on the daily quirks and eccentricities that are inherent to the freelance life.”


This site is exactly like it sounds. It features recent technology and profiles on innovative thinkers and daily life hacks. Looking for productivity advice? Lifehacker is your new best friend.

Web Designer Depot

A mecca for freelance web designers. This site provides free web designer kits, as well as articles on social media, html, branding, contests, and more. The how-tos and tutorials on everything from email template design to parallax are a freelance designer’s dream. And everyone will pick up handy web design and user experience tips!

Fast Company

For a little bit of entrepreneurship inspiration, this is the go-to source. With articles written by business leaders and professors, as well as top entrepreneurs, Fast Company covers the gammut from how to get more done to advice on writing business plans.


Good is “a place to share creative solutions for living well and doing good.” Share information on what you are working on with the community, and how your work integrates with your life and the impact on the world. The blog also has content on technology, books, lifestyle, and design and  recommendations for organizations and entrepreneurs to follow.

Pro Blogger

For those of you who are not blogging experts, but need them for your business this is a great resource. From how to organize your Google updates to ideas for blog posts, Pro Blogger has content that will spark your creativity and give you structure for blogging. For that freelancer personal brand building!

LKR Social Media

Need some help with social media for your site, blog or business? This is your place. Laura Roeder is a social media marketing expert who runs a fantastic blog for creatives, freelancers, and entrepreneurs. From designing an effective sales page to top tools to organize your work, she’s got you covered. Plus, amazing tips on building your (or your client’s) social media presence.


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